The problem comes when you so many tables that making an effective comparison would be a highly time-consuming effort.
For the effects of this post, I will state that what I need to compare is table names, column names and data types. That was the challenge. Of course, a procedure would pop-up to solve it.
Prerequisites for this procedure are:
- 1 schema must be local and be the current schema from which he procedure is called
- 1 schema must be reachable through a database link called “templink”
3: -- VARIABLES --
4: ---------------
5: v_localtable user_tables.table_name%TYPE;6: v_localcol user_tab_cols.column_name%TYPE;7: v_localtype user_tab_cols.data_type%TYPE;8: v_localtabnum NUMBER;9: v_localcolnum NUMBER;10:11: v_remotetable user_tables.table_name%TYPE;12: v_remotecol user_tab_cols.column_name%TYPE;13: v_remotetype user_tab_cols.data_type%TYPE;14: v_remotetabnum NUMBER;15: v_remotecolnum NUMBER;16:17: -------------
18: -- CURSORS --
19: -------------
20: CURSOR c_localtable IS21: SELECT table_name22: FROM user_tables23: WHERE table_name NOT IN (24: SELECT table_name25: FROM user_tab_cols26: WHERE column_name = 'STATIC'27: )28: ORDER BY table_name;29:30: CURSOR c_remotetable IS31: SELECT table_name32: FROM user_tables@templink33: WHERE table_name NOT IN (34: SELECT table_name35: FROM user_tab_cols@templink36: WHERE column_name = 'STATIC'37: )38: ORDER BY table_name;39:40: CURSOR c_localcols IS41: SELECT column_name, data_type42: FROM user_tab_cols43: WHERE table_name = v_localtable44: ORDER BY column_name;45:46: CURSOR c_remotecols IS47: SELECT column_name, data_type48: FROM user_tab_cols@templink49: WHERE table_name = v_remotetable50: ORDER BY column_name;51:52: -------------------------
54: -------------------------
55: BEGIN56:57: dbms_output.enable(1000000);58: dbms_output.put_line('Starting procedure: COMPARE DATABASE STRUCTURE...');
59: dbms_output.put_line('');60: -- OPEN TABLE CURSORS
61:62: SELECT COUNT(table_name) INTO v_localtabnum63: FROM user_tables64: WHERE table_name NOT IN (65: SELECT table_name66: FROM user_tab_cols67: WHERE column_name = 'STATIC'68: );69:70: SELECT COUNT(table_name) INTO v_remotetabnum71: FROM user_tables@templink72: WHERE table_name NOT IN (73: SELECT table_name74: FROM user_tab_cols@templink75: WHERE column_name = 'STATIC'76: );77:78: dbms_output.put_line('Number of static tables');
79: dbms_output.put_line('-----------------------');
80: dbms_output.put_line('');81: dbms_output.put_line('Local tables: '|| v_localtabnum);
82: dbms_output.put_line('Remote tables: '|| v_remotetabnum);
83: dbms_output.put_line('');84:85: OPEN c_localtable;86: OPEN c_remotetable;87: -- GET TABLES
88: FETCH c_localtable INTO v_localtable;89: FETCH c_remotetable INTO v_remotetable;90:91: WHILE c_localtable%FOUND LOOP92: IF v_localtable = v_remotetable THEN93: -- OPEN COLUMN CURSORS
94: OPEN c_localcols;95: OPEN c_remotecols;96:97: WHILE c_localcols%FOUND LOOP98:99: IF v_localcol != v_remotecol THEN100: dbms_output.put_line('Found problem in table '|| v_localtable ||' - Inconsistency in column names.');101: ELSE102: IF v_localtype != v_remotetype THEN103: dbms_output.put_line('Found problem in table '|| v_localtable ||' Column '|| v_localcol ||' data types are inconsistent');104: END IF; -- DATA TYPE105: END IF; -- COLUMN NAME106: END LOOP; -- COLUMN LOOP107: -- dbms_output.put_line('Finished local table '||v_localtable);
108: -- dbms_output.put_line('Finished remote table '||v_remotetable);
110: CLOSE c_localcols;111: CLOSE c_remotecols;112: -- NEXT TABLE
113: dbms_output.put_line('Table '|| v_localtable ||' checked');114: FETCH c_localtable INTO v_localtable;115: FETCH c_remotetable INTO v_remotetable;116: ELSE117: IF v_localtable > v_remotetable THEN118: dbms_output.put_line('Local table '|| v_localtable);
119: dbms_output.put_line('Table '|| v_remotetable ||' not found in local DB');120: FETCH c_remotetable INTO v_remotetable;121: ELSE122: dbms_output.put_line('Remote table '|| v_remotetable);
123: dbms_output.put_line('Table '|| v_localtable ||' not found in remote DB');124: FETCH c_localtable INTO v_localtable;125: END IF; -- TABLE COMPARE126: END IF;127: END LOOP; -- TABLES LOOP128:129: -- CLOSE TABLE CURSORS
130: CLOSE c_localtable;131: CLOSE c_remotetable;132:133: dbms_output.put_line('');134: dbms_output.put_line('Process finished');
135: dbms_output.put_line('----------------');
136: dbms_output.put_line('');137: END COMPARE_DB_STRUCTURE;
So, this procedure will alert of any difference found at table, column or data type level through the messages shown through the dbms_output.
This procedure can be easily edited and customized to work on 2 local DBs or even in 2 remote DBs.
Any comments, enhancement proposals and such are welcome.
Hope this can help any of you out there. Enjoy.