Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Shell Script–Applying a command or a SQL script to all databases in the same host

Hello everyone,

This is my first post on the oracle blogs section!

I really hope the posts I will publish here help some of you to have a more dynamic and comfortable work.

This time I'm publishing a simple KSH script that can allow you to apply a single command or a SQL script to all running databases in a single host.

Now let's explain each part:

  • Functions
    • Utility Functions: refer to this post to check the utility functions I normally use.
      • You'll see debugPrint and msgPrint in most of my shell scripts. Those are used to give a nice format to the message I'm sending to the console/log.
    • Crawl
      • This is the main function that receives the command/sql file to be run in every instance.
  • Main Algorythm
    • for DBNAME in $(ps -ef | grep pmon | cut -d"_" -s -f3 | grep -v ASM)
      • Here, we cycle through all the running instances in the host. Looking for pmon processes and getting only the INSTANCE name from it.
    • crawl "@${2}"
      • In the SQL script mode see how the argument passed to the crawl function is appended to the @ sign, so that we don't have to check for it when running inside the function.
    • crawl "${2}"
      • In the command mode we pass the argument inside double quotes so that it is considered a single argument by the function while running.

With some light modifications, we can get this same schema to work with any of the command line utilities from Oracle. But that's a future project of mine. I will try to add support for RMAN in the next few months as my work allows me to.

Hope that some of you find this post useful.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Shell script–Utility functions

Hello fellow DBAs, Oracle and Linux enthusiasts.

Today I'm going to share the script I use to "source" utility functions to the shell scripts I commonly use for my daily DBA tasks.

Let's add some explanation:

  • continueQuestion
    • This function is a simple "Continue? (y/n)" question. As this is used a lot in interactive scripts, seemed like a good idea for me to add it to the utility functions script.
  • debugPrint
    • For debugging, it adds the timestamp prior to the message. Allows you to keep track of what, where and when something is happening.
  • msgPrint
    • Allows you to format in several ways the output that you want to send to console/log file.

I hope you find this useful and makes your job better!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Shell script–Quickly check Oracle listeners

Hello everyone,

Today I would like to share something with you. In my day to day work, I have encountered more than one place where DEV environments are spread through only some hosts. This normally leads to creating several databases on the same host and to create several listeners to be able to split communication through several ports.

Having this, after OS patches or any OS related activity that would require the database software to be shutdown, it's an usual case that people forget to start listeners.  For this I have this useful script:


Hope this helps in making your job easier.