So, here we go.
In particular, for the Oracle DBMS, I’ll use a package. Let’s call it SCHEMA_CLEANER. Now, we have to state what do we need? For any database (that respects the relations between tables and data within those tables), the problems when you have to delete some data begin with the foreign keys being violated.This indicates that the first thing to do is to DISABLE all those constraints so that we can delete all data in the schema without having to take core of the order we’re deleting that data. But of course, we have later to take the time to enable all those constraints again, because we want to work with a consistent schema, and leaving the constraints disabled will lead almost for sure to inconsistent data.
Following, this we got 2 specifications for our package: DISABLE_FKS and ENABLE_FKS.
Finally, we need the procedure that will do the bulk delete. So that’s one more specification for the package, let’s say: DELETE_DATA.
For his example I’ll be running the package procedures from the schema we want to clean. Nevertheless, this code can be easily modified to be run as a DBA from the SYSTEM schema passing the schema to clean up as a parameter.
In this code, then I’ll use the user_<whatever> tables to get the info I need. The mod would be to use the all_<whatever> tables and filter through the OWNER field in each table.
So, here is the code:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE SCHEMA_CLEANER AS PROCEDURE DISABLE_FKS; PROCEDURE ENABLE_FKS; PROCEDURE DELETE_DATA; PROCEDURE CLEAN_SCHEMA; END SCHEMA_CLEANER; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY SCHEMA_CLEANER AS PROCEDURE DISABLE_FKS AS ctable user_tables.table_name%TYPE; fkey user_constraints.constraint_name%TYPE; CURSOR tableList IS SELECT table_name FROM user_tables; CURSOR FKList IS SELECT constraint_name FROM user_constraints WHERE table_name = ctable AND constraint_name LIKE '%FK%'; BEGIN dbms_output.enable(1000000); dbms_output.put_line('About to disable foreign keys...'); OPEN tableList; FETCH tableList INTO ctable; WHILE tableList%FOUND LOOP dbms_output.put_line('Table found: ' || ctable); OPEN FKList; FETCH FKList INTO fkey; WHILE FKList%FOUND LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('ALTER TABLE ' || ctable || ' DISABLE CONSTRAINT ' || fkey); dbms_output.put_line('Foreign Key ' || fkey || ' disabled.'); FETCH FKList INTO fkey; END LOOP; CLOSE FKList; FETCH tableList INTO ctable; END LOOP; CLOSE tableList; dbms_output.put_line('Foreign keys disabled.'); END DISABLE_FKS; PROCEDURE ENABLE_FKS AS ctable user_tables.table_name%TYPE; fkey user_constraints.constraint_name%TYPE; CURSOR tableList IS SELECT table_name FROM user_tables; CURSOR FKList IS SELECT constraint_name FROM user_constraints WHERE table_name = ctable AND constraint_name LIKE '%FK%'; BEGIN dbms_output.enable(1000000); dbms_output.put_line('About to enable foreign keys...'); OPEN tableList; FETCH tableList INTO ctable; WHILE tableList%FOUND LOOP dbms_output.put_line('Table found: ' || ctable); OPEN FKList; FETCH FKList INTO fkey; WHILE FKList%FOUND LOOP dbms_output.put_line('Foreign Key found: ' || fkey); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('ALTER TABLE ' || ctable || ' ENABLE CONSTRAINT ' || fkey); dbms_output.put_line('Foreign Key ' || fkey || ' enabled.'); FETCH FKList INTO fkey; END LOOP; CLOSE FKList; FETCH tableList INTO ctable; END LOOP; CLOSE tableList; dbms_output.put_line('Foreign keys enabled.'); END ENABLE_FKS; PROCEDURE DELETE_DATA AS thetable user_tables.table_name%TYPE; CURSOR ctable IS SELECT table_name FROM user_tables; BEGIN dbms_output.enable(1000000); dbms_output.put_line('Starting data deletion process...'); OPEN ctable; FETCH ctable INTO thetable; dbms_output.put_line('Deleting, please wait...'); WHILE ctable%FOUND LOOP dbms_output.put_line('Table found: '|| thetable); dbms_output.put_line('Deleting data in '|| thetable); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DELETE FROM ' || thetable); dbms_output.put_line(thetable || ' is empty.'); FETCH ctable INTO thetable; END LOOP; CLOSE ctable; dbms_output.put_line('Data deletion process finished.'); END DELETE_DATA; PROCEDURE CLEAN_SCHEMA AS BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE(1000000); SCHEMA_CLEANER.DISABLE_FKS; SCHEMA_CLEANER.DROP_DYNAMIC_TABLES; SCHEMA_CLEANER.DELETE_DATA; SCHEMA_CLEANER.ENABLE_FKS; END CLEAN_DB; END SCHEMA_CLEANER; /
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